Quality Policy

ISO 9001 is a standard recognized worldwide as an effective quality management process. It requires a documented and systematic approach to making sure that specific procedures are in place so that we produce products meeting our customer’s requirements for performance.

All IST Safety products are manufactured under the ISO 9001 standard.

There are several significant points industrial and fire users should understand about IST Safety‘s compliance with ISO 9001:

- The ISO system is designed to promote the continuous improvement of IST Safety products and services.
- This pro-active approach to quality engages all segments of the IST Safety organization from engineering to production and from sales to service.
- IST Safety quality policy under the ISO standard requires the training of all IST Safety personnel in quality procedures. This training gives IST Safety personnel a common language in considering quality issues.
- ISO requires that a corrective action program be in place to identify and correct problems from recurring.

IST Safety is proud of the fact that our organization is one of the few manufacturers of protective clothings, emergency safety showers, safety cans and respiratory protection equipments certified under ISO.