IETOX 2021, which will take place on November 4-10, 2021
ETOK (Industrial Toxicology Association), which prioritizes human health above all, will bring together the world's most prestigious experts and different disciplines and transfer their work to create a sustainable system for a healthy life on the world. It will organize the Environmental Toxicology Congress as a hybrid congress in order to be the most accessible and traceable.
IETOX 2021, which will take place on November 4-10, 2021, will be a scientific platform where sustainable improvement activities to be carried out in occupational health and safety, one of the basic elements of public health, and their contributions to society, the environment and the world.
We would be glad to welcome you at our virtual booth during the congress.
#IETOX2021 #IETOX #ETOK #ISG #HSE #OHS #Toxicology #Pandemics #PPE #KKD #HealthandSafety #IsSagligi #IsGuvenligi #IsHijyeni #OccupationalHygiene #Toksikoloji #Environment #Cevre